按包装程度不同,可分为全部包装(Full Packed)和局部包装 (Part Packed)
纸箱Carton 瓦椤纸箱 Corrugated Carton
旧瓦椤纸箱 Old Corrugated Carton (O.C.C.) ?
木箱 Wooden Case 板条箱 Crate 木条箱 Wooden Crate
竹条箱 Bamboo Crate ? 胶合板箱 Plywood Case
层夹板箱 3--Ply Plywood Case ? 镀锡铁皮胎木箱Tin Lined Wooden Case
盒Box 木盒Wooden Box 铁盒Iron Box ?
塑料透明盒 Plastic Transparency Box
苯乙烯盒 Styrol Box 袋Bag(Sack) 布袋 Cloth Bag ?
草袋 Straw Bag 麻袋 Gunny Bag/Jute Bag
旧麻袋 Used Gunny Bag/Old Gunny Bag ?
新麻袋 New Gunny Bag 尼龙袋 Nylon Bag
聚丙烯袋 Polypropylene Bag ? 聚乙烯袋 Polythene Bag
塑料袋 Poly Bag 塑料编织袋 Polywoven Bag 纤维袋 Fibre Bag ?
玻璃纤维袋 Glass Fibre Bag 玻璃纸袋 Callophane Bag ?
防潮纸袋 Moisture Proof Pager Bag 乳胶袋子Emulsion Bag ?
锡箔袋 Fresco Bag 特大袋 Jumbo Bag 单层完整袋子Single Sound Bag
桶 Drum ? 木桶 Wooden Cask Bakelite Drum 塑料桶 Plastic Drum
铁桶 Iron Drum 镀锌铁桶 Galvanized Iron Drum ? 镀锌闭口钢桶 Galvanized Mouth Closed Steel Drum ? 镀锌开口钢桶 Galvanized Mouth Opened Steel Drum ?
麻布包 Gunny Bale (Hessian Cloth Bag) 蒲包 Mat Bale 草包 Straw Bale ?
紧压包 Press Packed Bale 铝箔包 Aluminium Foil Package
机包 Hard-pressed Bale ? 木机包Half-pressed Bale
瓷缸 Porcelain Jar ? 壶 Pot 铅壶 Lead Pot 铜壶Copper Pot 施 Bottle
瓶 Aluminum Bottle 陶瓶 Earthen Bottle ? 瓷瓶 Porcelain bottle
罐 Can 听 Tin 绕线筒 Bo 笼(篓、篮、筐)Basket ?
竹笼(篓、篮、筐)Bamboo Basket 柳条筐(笼、篮、筐)Wicker Basket
集装箱 Container ? 集装包/集装袋 Flexible Container 托盘 Pallet 件(支、把、个)Piece 架(台、套)Set(Kit)
装运 shipment. loading
装上货轮 to ship, to load, to take on a ship
装运费 shipping charges, shipping commission
装运单||载货单 shipping invoice
装运单据 shipping documents
大副收据 mates receipt
装船单 shipping order
提货单 delivery order, dandy note
装船通知 shipping advice
包裹收据 parcel receipt
准装货单 shipping permit
租船契约 charter party
租船人 charterer
程租船||航次租赁 voyage charter
期租船 time charter
允许装卸时间 lay days, laying days
工作日 working days
连续天数 running days, consecutive days
滞期费 demurrage
滞期日数 demurrage days
速遣费 dispatch money
空舱费 dead freight
退关 short shipment, goods short shipped, goods shut out, shut-outs
赔偿保证书(信托收据) letter of indemnity, trust receipt
装载 loading
卸货 unloading, discharging, landing
装运重量 shipping weight, in-take-weight
卸货重量 landing weight
压舱 ballasting
压舱货 in ballast
舱单 manifest
船泊登记证书 ships certificate of registry
航海日记 ships log
船员名册 muster-roll
(船员, 乘客)健康证明 bill of health
光票 clean bill
不清洁提单 foul bill
有疑问提单 suspected bill
用木箱包装 to be cased. to be encased
用袋装 to be bagged
用纸箱包装 to be boxed
用席包 to be matted
用捆包to be baled
包装费另计 casing extra
包装费不另计算 cased free
装箱免费 boxed free
代费免除 bagged free
席包免费 matted free
捆包免费 baled free
出口用包装 packed for export
箱外附铁箍 cases to be iron-hooped
施以铁箍 iron-hooping
施以铁条 iron-banding
用绳捆 roping
鞭打||用藤捆包 caning
情况良好 in good condition. In good order. in good state
情况特别好in excellent condition
情况差劲 in bad condition
呈腐败状况 in rotten condition
已有发霉现象 in musty condition
已受潮 in wet condition
呈干燥状况 in dry condition
已有破损 in damaged condition
呈受热状况 in heated condition
情况不很完整, 有瑕疵 in defective condition
小心搬运 Handle with care. With care
此端向上 This side up. This end up
请勿用钩 Use no hooks. Do not use dog hooks. No hooks
不可滚转 Don’t turn over
不可掉落 Don’t drop. Not to be dropped
保持干燥 Keep dry
不可横置 Keep flat. Stow level
保持直立 Stand on end. To be kept upright
易腐物品 Perishable goods
保持冷冻(不可近热) Stow in a cool place。Keep cool。 Keep from heat。 Stow cool
不可平放 Not to be laid flat。Never lay flat
不可抛掷 Not to be thrown down
不可重叠 Not to be packed under heavy cargo。/Not to be stowed below another cargo
小心易碎 Fragile-with care
不可接近锅炉或机器 Away from boilers and engines
防止潮湿 Guard against damp
易流物品 Liquid
货物装运单 shipping invoice||foreign invoice
国内发票 inland invoice, domestic incoice,local invoice
领事发票||领事签证书 consular legalized invoice
海关发票 pro forma invoice
形式发票 skeleton invoice
估价单 Skeleton Invoice
提单 Bill of Lading||B/L
清洁提单||无纠纷提单 clean Bill of Lading
不清洁提单||有不良批注提单 foul Bill of Lading
红色提单 Red Bill of Lading
联运提单 Through Bill of Lading
出口信贷 export credit
出口津贴 export subsidy
商品倾销 dumping
外汇倾销 exchange dumping
优惠关税 special preferences
保税仓库 bonded warehouse
贸易顺差 favorable balance of trade
贸易逆差 unfavorable balance of trade
进口配额制 import quotas
自由贸易区 free trade zone
对外贸易值 value of foreign trade
国际贸易值 value of international trade
普遍优惠制 generalized system of preferences-GSP
最惠国待遇 most-favored nation treatment-MFNT
价格术语trade term (price term) 运费freight
单价 price 码头费wharfage
总值 total value 卸货费landing charges
金额 amount 关税customs duty
净价 net price 印花税stamp duty
含佣价price including commission 港口税portdues
回佣return commission 装运港portof shipment
折扣discount,allowance 卸货港port of discharge
批发价 wholesale price 目的港portof destination
零售价 retail price 进口许口证inportlicence
现货价格spot price 出口许口证exportlicence
期货价格forward price
现行价格(时价)current price prevailingprice
国际市场价格 world (International)Marketprice
离岸价(船上交货价)FOB-free on board
成本加运费价(离岸加运费价) C&F-cost and freight
到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)CIF-cost,insurance and freight
交货delivery 轮船steamship(缩写S.S)
装运、装船shipment 租船charter (the chartered shep) 交货时间 time of delivery
定程租船voyage charter; 装运期限time of shipment 定期租船time charter
班轮regular shipping liner 驳船lighter
舱位shipping space 油轮tanker
报关clearance of goods 陆运收据cargo receipt
提货to take delivery of goods
空运提单airway bill 正本提单original B\L
选择港(任意港)optional port
选港费optional charges
选港费由买方负担 optional charges to be borne by the Buyers 或 optional charges for Buyers account
一月份装船 shipment during January 或 January shipment
一月底装船 shipment not later than Jan.31st.或shipment on or before Jan.31st.
一/二月份装船 shipment during Jan./Feb.或 Jan./Feb. shipment
在......(时间)分两批装船 shipment during....in two lots
在......(时间)平均分两批装船 shipment during....in two equal lots
分三个月装运 in three monthly shipments
分三个月,每月平均装运 in three equal monthly shipments
立即装运 immediate shipments
即期装运 prompt shipments
收到信用证后30天内装运 shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C
允许分批装船 partial shipment not allowed partial shipment not permitted
partial shipment not unacceptable
订单 indent 订货;订购 book; booking
电复 cable reply 实盘 firm offer
递盘 bid; bidding 递实盘 bid firm
还盘 counter offer 发盘(发价) offer
发实盘 offer firm 询盘(询价) inquiry;enquiry
指示性价格 price indication
速复 reply immediately
参考价 reference price
习惯做法 usual practice
交易磋商 business negotiation
不受约束 without engagement
业务洽谈 business discussion
限**复 subject to reply **
限* *复到 subject to reply reaching here **
有效期限 time of validity
有效至**: valid till **
购货合同 purchase contract 销售合同 sales contract
购货确认书 purchase confirmation
销售确认书 sales confirmation
一般交易条件 general terms and conditions
以未售出为准 subject to prior sale
需经卖方确认 subject to sellers confirmation
需经我方最后确认 subject to our final confirmation
INT (拍卖auction) 寄售consignment
招标invitation of tender
投标submission of tender
一般代理人agent 总代理人general agent
代理协议agency agreement
累计佣金accumulative commission
补偿贸易compensation trade
(或抵偿贸易)compensating/compensatory trade
(又叫:往返贸易) counter trade
来料加工processing on giving materials
来料装配assembling on provided parts
独家经营/专营权exclusive right
独家经营/包销/代理协议exclusivity agreement
独家代理 sole agency; sole agent; exclusive agency;
exclusive agent
品质 quality 原样 original sample
规格 specifications 复样 duplicate sample
说明 description 对等样品 countersample
标准 standard type 参考样品 reference sample
商品目录 catalogue 封样 sealed sample
宣传小册 pamphlet 公差 tolerance
货号 article No. 花色(搭配) assortment
样品 sample 5% 增减 5% plus or minus
代表性样品 representative sample
大路货(良好平均品质)fair average quality
索赔 claim 争议disputes
罚金条款 penalty 仲裁arbitration
不可抗力 force Majeure 仲裁庭arbitral tribunal
产地证明书certificate of origin
品质检验证书 inspection certificate of quanlity
重量检验证书 inspection certificate of weight (quantity)
**商品检验局 **commodity inspection bureau (*.C.I.B)
品质、重量检验证书 inspection certificate
个数 number 净重 net weight
容积 capacity 毛作净 gross for net
体积 volume 皮重 tare
毛重 gross weight
溢短装条款 more or less clause
-----------------------外 汇-------------------------
外汇 foreign exchange 法定贬值 devaluation
外币 foreign currency 法定升值 revaluation
汇率 rate of exchange 浮动汇率floating rate
国际收支 balance of payments 硬通货 hard currency
直接标价 direct quotation 软通货 soft currency
间接标价 indirect quotation 金平价 gold standard
买入汇率 buying rate 通货膨胀 inflation
卖出汇率 selling rate 固定汇率 fixed rate
金本位制度 gold standard 黄金输送点 gold points
铸币平价 mint par 纸币制度 paper money system
国际货币基金 international monetary fund
黄金外汇储备 gold and foreign exchange reserve
汇率波动的官定上下限 official upper and lower limits of fluctuation
bank book/pass book存折
open an account开户
earn interest赚取利息
savings account储蓄存款帐户current account活期存款帐户 check/cheque account支票帐户deposit account定期存款帐户 annual interest rate年利率monthly savings account按月计息帐户 daily interest account按天计息帐户 service charge服务费/手续费signature card签名卡 draw/withdraw提款 order check/cheque记名支票 rubber check/cheque空头支票blank check/cheque空白支票 exchange rate汇率denomination=face value面额 four in hundred四张一百元面额give the money in fives/tens换成五元或十元面额bill钞票 change零钱cash现金 password/code密码amount in figures小写金额 amount in words大写金额credit card信用卡 the balance of your bank account帐户余额 traveler’s check/chque旅行支票 unit 货币单位value/worth面值 ounce盎司1/16磅commercial/merchant bank商业银行 full refund全额偿还extension延期 overdraw/overdraft透支rebate回扣 payday发薪日pay slip/envelop薪水单 mortgage抵押expense account公款支付帐户a princely sum(an excessive amount)巨款apply for/grant_______a loan申请/批准贷款debt债务 collateral担保物fill out/in填写 chquebook/checkbook支票簿loan贷款 joint account联名帐户by installment分期付款 statement对帐单money order汇票 accountant会计
Packing 包装
1. packaging 包装方法
2. blister packing 起泡包装
3. neutral packing 中性包装
4. skin packing 吸塑包装
5. hanging packing 挂式包装
6. catch sb‘s eye 引某人注目
7. mark 唛头
8. unlabelled packing 无牌的包装
9. in bulk 散装
10. in loose packing 散装
11 nude packing *装
12. bulk pack 整批包装
13. consumer pack 零售包装
14. large packing 大包装
15. inner packing, external packing, end packing 小包装
16. shrunk packaging, 压缩包装
17. foam-spary packaging 喷泡沫包装
18. gift-wrap 礼品包装
19. bag, sack 袋
20. jute bag 麻袋
21. polythelene bag, plastic bag 塑料袋
22. polythelene net 尼龙绳网袋
23. zippered bag 拉链袋
24. case, chest 箱
25. box 盒
26. wooden case 木箱
27. carton 纸箱
28. container 集装箱
29. rate 板条箱
30. fibre board case 纤维板箱
Packing(二) 包装
1. packet 小包
2. bale 包
3. bundle 捆
4. tin , can 罐头
5. basket 篮,篓,筐
6. bamboo basket 竹篓
7. bottle 瓶
8. wooden keg 小木桶
9. hogshead 大桶
10. iron drum 铁桶
11 cylinder 铁桶
12. barrel 琵琶桶
13. drum 圆桶
14. waterproof paper 防水纸
15. cellophone 玻璃纸
16. kraftpaper 牛皮纸
17. canvas 帆布
18. fibreboard 纤维板
19. nylon strap 尼龙腰子
20. plastic strap 塑料腰子
21. adhesive tape 胶带
22. stuffing material 填料
23. nylon plastic 尼龙丝
24. fermented plastic 泡沫塑料
25. paper scrap 纸屑
26. saw dust 木屑
27. tar paper 沥青纸
28. wax paper 蜡纸
29. slushing compound 润滑油
30. tarpaulin 油布、防水帆布
pack 包装,装罐
packing 包装
packing charge 包装费用
package 包装(指包、捆、束、箱等);打包
packing clause 包装条款
packaging 包装方法
packing expenses 包装费用
What do you think of the packing for fireworks?
The packings are in good (bad) order.
The packages are intact. The packing is beautiful.
Please pack the goods very carefully.
These marten overcoats are tastefully packed.
I think you'll find the packing beautiful and quite well-done.
Our packing will be on a par with that of the Japanese.
The unique design of the packing will help you promote the sale of drugs.
The packing must be strong enough to withstand rough handling.
We have especially reinforced out pacing in order to minimize the extent of any possible damage to the goods.
These goods didn't sell well merely because of the poor packing.
Words and Phrases
fireworks 礼花
be in good order 完好
be in bad order 破损,(包装)不合格
marten overcoats 貂皮大衣
intact 完整的,未损伤的
tastefully 精美的
well-done 美观,讲究
to be on a par with 与...相媲美
unique 独特的
rough handling 粗率的处理(搬运,装运货物)
to reinforce the packing 加固包装
Words and Phrases
fireworks 礼花
be in good order 完好
be in bad order 破损,(包装)不合格
marten overcoats 貂皮大衣
intact 完整的,未损伤的
tastefully 精美的
well-done 美观,讲究
to be on a par with 与...相媲美
unique 独特的
rough handling 粗率的处理(搬运,装运货物)
to reinforce the packing 加固包装
We agree to use cartons for outer packing.
Could you use cardboard boxes?
It would cost more for you to pack the goods in wooden cases.
The piece goods are to be wrapped in kraft paper, then packed in wooden cases.
The eggs are packed in cartons with beehives lined with shake-proof paper board.
Each pill is put into a small box sealed with wax.
Please make the fruit jar airtight.
We'll pack them two dozen to one carton, gross weight around 25 kilos a carton.
Ten bottles are put into a box and 100 boxes into a carton.
This would discourage people from trying their hand on such packing.
No charge will be allowed for packages.
The case was a substantial one, with sufficient packing used.
I'm afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for ocean transportation.
Such shirts packed in cardboard cartons can save freight cost.
We prefer packing in smaller cases.
We advocate using smaller container to pack the goods.
We use metal angles at each corner of the carton.
Each case is lined with foam plastics in order to protect the goods against press.
Each case is lined with foam plastics in order to protect the goods against press.
The canned goods are to be packed in cartons with double straps.
You must reinforce the packing with metal straps.
The goods are to be packed in strong export cases, securely strapped.
Shirts are to be packed in plastic-lined water-proof cartons.
We use a polythene wrapper for each shirt.
The fountain pen is placed in a satin-covered small box, lined with beautiful silk ribbon.
Words and Phrases
case 箱
carton 纸板箱,纸箱
wooden case 木箱
crate 板条箱
chest 箱
casket 小箱
box 盒子
cask 桶
keg 小桶
wooden cask 木桶
barrel 琵琶桶
drum 圆桶
iron drum 铁桶
to be packed in bag 用袋装
to be packed in paper bag 用纸袋装
gunny bag 麻袋
plastic bag 塑料袋