我是学商务英语的 不过惭愧 没学很专业 勉强翻译了一下 仅供参考
1 Woman's type skin cotton
2 The style is new, having 20 remainings to grow, the color is black and red
3 The material chooses to use the deluxe leather
4 Price:The cost insurance adds 3% USD 8s with each commission prices of freights to USD 20, according to the different style
5 From the confirm that shipment draw the first 30 days of, can't repeal in time the letter of credit pay
6 Packing from cardboard box or the wood box, decide from the buyer
7 Since September of 2003, divide 3 months to transport equally three times;Allow to turn the ship
9.Advice of shipment 10.Ship quickly 11.Can't resist the dint
12. the form invoice 13.Touch the 损 broken up insurance 14. Commercial attache
15. consignor 16.Substitute 17.Medium etc. goods
V. 写一封信给驱策你的客户建立信用的比较信。
每一层砖应该是奠定越位3,铜模管; 4,拧钉和甲板螺丝强制建立木托盘和没有允许平滑钉5,最小。两个75MM每一个角落和MIN甲板螺丝。两个捻为外部董事和MIN其他指甲。每个转轮中心董事会6,7箱内,砖拱; 8,木箱内,必须STYROFOAM.8,木箱内衬在9,发泡胶必须被放置在每个模具管; 10,木立场要按照图纸切割,使叉可以拿起托盘从任一方向
B: 如果你喜欢木箱,我们可以按照你的要求办,但木箱会让你花费更多。事实上,我们已经改进了纸箱,新的纸箱非常结实,足以承受运输途中的装卸和磨损。
B: If you perfer the wooden crate, we will do as you asked, but it will cost you more. In fact, we have improved on the cardboard box, and the new ones are very strong. They will be able to sustain the wears during loading and transportation.
A: 你能说得更清楚些吗?
A: Can you explian it more clearly?
B: 当然可以。在纸箱外,我们用金属带加固,在纸箱里我们用硬泡沫塑料垫固定货物。这样与使用木箱包装比,不仅一样安全,而且相当轻,易于装卸,此外还便宜许多。
B: Of course. We used metals to solidify the cardboard boxes from the outside, and inside we used hard foamed plastic to position the goods. This way, cardboard boxes are safer, lighter, easier to load and cheaper than wooden crates.
A: 我接受这种包装。请注意这种货物应每4件装一纸盒,每一纸箱装4盒,每箱毛重25公斤。请不要忘记在纸箱外面刷上小心轻放、易碎和其它有关标志。
A: I accept this packaging. Please make sure the goods are four to a container, and four container to a box with a rough weight of 25 kilograms. Please do not forget to put